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  • Writer's picturebeneath the rust

Obituary - Dying of Everything

Ten glorious albums in and OG death metal dealers Obituary are still hammering out the grooves. It's been six years since the band has given us a proper release, but I do believe that those who were waiting for some swampy, sick riffs will not be disappointed with this album.

While there are standout tracks such as "Barely Alive", a speedy title track, and a song that includes some acoustic picking ("War"), my favorite track is "The Wrong Time". This song has so much flavor that it would have Emeril Legasse screaming "Bang" over and over again. It's sludgy and just begs for necks to be broken in headbanging madness. Obituary have stood the test of time in the metal world and have never become a band to create mediocracy. Instead, they hold true to their status as legends in the metal world.

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