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  • Writer's picturebeneath the rust

Judiciary - Flesh + Blood (03/10/23)

Do you like when bands blend the realms of heaviness together by creating intense crossover thrash/hardcore? Do you simply like your hardcore tinged with just a little more metal than the norm? While Judiciary gained quite a bit of traction with their debut Surface Noise, which featured powerhouses like Knocked Loose’s Bryan Garris and God’s Hate’s Brody King, their latest puts them into a whole new class of heavy. I'd say that this album leans more towards the thrash end of things and could be compared to their Texas cohorts such as Power Trip in its scope. I've played the shit out of this album throughout the weekend, and I can tell it's going to be a favorite for 2023.

The first two tracks, titled "Flesh" and Blood" respectively, get the party rolling and the shredding mayhem doesn't stop until the final chords. The standout track for me is "Cobalt" which showcases the band's ability to create punishing breakdowns in the midst of some face-melting solos. The album, as a whole, will most certainly appeal to those who like some groove with their metal. Give it a go. Support the band.

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