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  • Writer's picturebeneath the rust

High Command - Eclipse of the Dual Moons

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Holy rifftastic riffing riffers. Clocking in at over 50 minutes, High Command's sophomore release is chock full of, you guessed it, riffs galore. Fans of Bay Area thrash metal will most likely have zero complaints from this stellar album. With just the right amount of groove to get your headbanging on to the speedier parts that will induce neck snapping whiplash, High Command have honed their craft of fantasy induced thrash. Actually, I believe the correct term for this type of music is called "crossover", but labels be damned. What I like about this band is that while not inventing anything new in the realm of metal, they keep it chugging along with no filler, no needless samples, and just an obvious love for bands such as Bathory, Mercyful Fate, and Celtic Frost to name a few. Hell, throw in some old school Metallica or Slayer (it's not a bad thing folks!) and a love for the nerdiness of forgotten realms, swords, and sorcery and we've got a scrumptious stew of shredding awesomeness for your well deserving earholes. Give it a go, you'll probably like it.

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