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Big Laugh - Consume Me (02/10/2023)

First of all, this album is being released by Revelation Records. If you are a fan of punk and hardcore, you will probably know how important this label is to the genre. With releases from legendary bands such as Gorilla Biscuits and Youth of Today, Revelation has stayed true to their brand and have continued to put out solid releases throughout the years. So, it comes as no surprise that they have once again to release one hell of an album with Big Laugh's rager titled Consume Me.

The Milwaukee band cites such icons as Judge and Burn as influences, but also take keys from aggressive Japanese hardcore masters Gauze and G.I.S.M. Big Laugh find themselves comfotable in the middle of these two sides of the spectrum. With only a handful of the 10 songs coming in at over two minutes long, Big Laugh manage to strike hard and fast adhering to the classics of hardcore. There are no frills, no fancy mashups of genres in which the punk and hardcore world have been doing quite a bit lately and while listening to the album, it almost feels as if you are at one of their live shows. Bravo to the production team for keeping a record that is crisp and clear, but also managing to bring out some of the rawness and grittiness that encompasses a live sound. This record is sure to please hardcore purists and newcomers alike.

Give it a go.

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